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Yahoo! Widgets bring coolstandings data right to your desktop!

coolwidgets at coolstandings.com

What are widgets?

Widgets are mini-applications that provide real-time glanceable information right to your desktop. Not only are they very functional, but they just look cool.

What types of widgets are there?

There are several options for desktop widget platforms - the main platforms are Apple Dashboard, Microsoft Vista Sidebar, Google Desktop Gadgets, and Yahoo! Widgets. We have developed two coolwidgets that run using the Yahoo! Widgets platform (which is based on the Konfabulator widgets platform).

Do Yahoo! Widgets work on Windows or Mac?

Actually, both!

OK, show me these coolwidgets!

Currently we have two widgets available:

coolwidgets at coolstandings.com
Dashboard Widget Playoff Graph Widget
Displays your favorite MLB team's current playoff chances in a dashboard style. Various sleek skins are supported. Displays your favorite MLB team's playoff chances over the entire season in a compact little graph. You can change the background colors to match your desktop, too.

You can also add a featured statistic to track in either widget - for instance how many games back your team is or its magic number. And if you want to track multiple teams, you can set up your widget to rotate among all MLB teams or a select few. You can actually have two copies of the same widget running simultaneously to reflect two different teams - just make a copy of the original widget file and rename it (but keep the .widget extension).

Both the dashboard and graph widgets are highly configurable so that you get both the data and the look that you want.

How do I try these out?

We would love for you to try our widgets out and give us feedback for improvements. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Go the the MLB Dashboard or MLB Graph widget download page.
  2. Click on "Get Widget". Follow the directions to download the widget and Yahoo! Widgets. Yahoo! Widgets will only need to be downloaded once.
  3. Select "Use Widget" when prompted to run the widget for the first time.
  4. Configure your widget by right clicking on the widget, and selecting Widget Preferences.
  5. Enjoy! Please send us your feedback either by email or by posting to coolforums. You can also rate the widget and submit feedback on the dashboard or graph widget download page.
Where can I get more widgets?

There are thousands of widgets available in the Yahoo! library.

For further information regarding Yahoo! Widgets, go to widgets.yahoo.com.


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